Mountain Papaya & Jaboticaba

We grow many mountain papaya (carica pubescens) in New Zealand. They grow wild in the north, likely from seeds spread by birds. In the south of the North Island in Wairarapa these papaya are less common, sometimes grown indoors or undercover in a greenhouse or otherwise protected from frosts and too much rain. Freezing temperatures will kill the plant, as will being waterlogged. They hate wet feet and rot quickly, even from over-watering in a pot!

(Too Many) Plants Ready To Plant Out

With the space a lifestyle block offers, it becomes very tempting to buy, germinate and propagate far too many plants and trees. Our front door is surrounded by potted plants that need planting out in Autumn and Spring.

Gate Sales & Farmers' Market

We often have plants, produce and eggs for sale on our gate stall. We periodically sell at the Carterton Farmers' Market too. Check out our Stall Page and find out what we have and how to pay :)

Stall Page Carterton Farmers' Market